Records of Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) Sighting, Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAP), Unidentified Submerged Objects (USO), and other High Strangeness Encounters (HSE) in Indonesia. Short links: Developed and maintained by BETA-UFO Indonesia Contact: Map icons by

0: Jaggy Flying Silvery Disc - Travel Path
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1: Large Disc With Green Glows Flies Low with Hissing Sound - Travel Path
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2: Estimated travel route before USO encounter
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3: Enigmatic Undersea Wall Offshore Jayapura
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4: Alor Island Incident - Overview
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5: Alor Island Incident - First Encounter
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6: Alor Island Incident - Second Encounter
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7: Alor Island Incident - Third Encounter
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8: Alor Island Incident - Abduction
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9: Alor Island Incident - Shooting
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10: Alor Island Incident - Aftermath
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11: Vividly Bright Light Traveling at Extremely High Speed
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12: UFO Appears for Several Nights
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13: Underwater UFO Base in Poso Lake?
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14: Ngurah Rai Airport
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15: Iskandar Airport
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16: Bomomani Airport
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17: Nabire Airport
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18: Soroako Airport
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19: Mt. Agung Famous Sighting
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20: Dark Red Oval UFO with Hissing Sound
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21: Dark Red Oval UFO with Hissing Sound - Returned
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22: Jaggy Flying Silvery Disc #1
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23: Jaggy Flying Silvery Disc #2
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24: Flying Disc Emitting Sirene Sound
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25: Half Circle UFO - Sighting
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26: Half Circle UFO - Witnesses
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27: Large Disc With Green Glows Flies Low with Hissing Sound
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28: Oval Shaped Ship Flying Fast with Loud Noise
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29: UFO Pipih Gendut over Ngurah Rai Airport
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30: Silvery Disc Causing Air Pressure Change
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31: Annual UFO Visitation
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32: Immense Triangular Craft with Pulsing Lights Hovering
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33: USO Bumped KM Sinar Patmos
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34: Mapia
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35: Dogiyai
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36: Tadpole Like Ship Flying Slow and Low
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37: Helicopter-like Glowing Object Spotter
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38: Roars of Airplane Often Heard from Mt. Dogiyai
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39: Colorful Ship Emerges and Flying Fast
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40: Huge Plane Seen Flying and Heard
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41: Alien Base at Mt. Dogiyai?
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42: USO Sank KM Lintas Samudera?
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43: 30-40 Glowing USO Observed by KM Siduarsi
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44: Enormous Craft with Blinding Light Gliding Silently
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45: Huge USO with Triangular and Oblong Light Formation
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46: Formation of 5 UFOs Encircled by Lights
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47: Bright Lights in The Sky
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48: Transparent Flying Black Boomerang UFO
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49: Very Large Disc Encircled by Orangeish Lights
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50: Oblong UFO Circling clouds over Iskandar Airport
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51: Black Disc Spotted over Brangbiji airport
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52: 50 Balls of light
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53: 6 Bright Yellowish Sphere above Ngurah Rai airport
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54: Hovering Triangular Craft Observed Hovering
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55: Black Disc Photographed over Serangan Island
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56: Elongated Flying Object Blinking and Hovering then Heading North
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57: Crop Circle Sleman 2011 (CC1-11)
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58: Crop Circle Piyungan 2011 (CC2-11)
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59: Crop Circle Magelang 2011 (CC3-11)
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60: Fast Flying Light Ball Changes Direction
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61: Colorful Flying Light Spiral
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62: 3 Morphing UFO with Yellowish Glow
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63: Soft lighted UFO with Circling Rings - Part 1
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64: Soft lighted UFO with Circling Rings - Part 2
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65: Bright UFO Hovering for an Hour
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66: Silver Disc with Bright Lights over Ngurah Rai Airport
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: Jaggy Flying Silvery Disc - Travel Path

Más sobre Jaggy Flying Silvery Disc - Travel Path

1: Large Disc With Green Glows Flies Low with Hissing Sound - Travel Path

Más sobre Large Disc With Green Glows Flies Low with Hissing Sound - Travel Path

2: Estimated travel route before USO encounter

1 mile = 1.609344 kilometers
1 knot = 0.514444444 m / s -- 10 knot = 5.14444444 m / s
1 hr = 3,600 s -- 2.5 hr = 9,000 s

46,299.99996 m -- 28,769.48617573372 mi

Más sobre Estimated travel route before USO encounter

3: Enigmatic Undersea Wall Offshore Jayapura

Undersea wall stretched straight around 110 Km long, rising 1,860 m from the bottom of the sea, reaching 2,700 m wide at its bottom. Visible in both Google Map (Map mode), and Google Earth.

Reference: (movie)

-1° 59' 37.02", 141° 28' 30.24"
-1.993616, 141.475067

Más sobre Enigmatic Undersea Wall Offshore Jayapura

4: Alor Island Incident - Overview

July 1959, several weeks.

some strange beings appeared in the east side of Alor Island. Their height is about 1,80 metres and their skin are reddish. Their eyes looked like human eyes and their hair are white-wavy. They wore dark blue clothes and pants with long arm and high collar, belt with a grey cylinder stick, and black military boot. Their appearing were seem to be too strange for the inhabitants. The inhabitants said that the strangers were suspicious and looked like searched for something.

A report said that a six-year-old kid was kidnapped and be returned in confuse in some field area.

Finally, some policemen waited and soon met with them. The police then shooted them (around 13 metres at distance) but they realized none of them were bleed, nor dead body found. It was strange cause the police shooted them in a very near distance. The police only found some trees were fall down and some footprints which ended in around five metres and then disappear.

After the incident, some inhabitants reported that they saw an oval white-glowing unidentified flying object flew fast over the sea. The object flew from west to east.


Más sobre Alor Island Incident - Overview

5: Alor Island Incident - First Encounter

The inhabitants surrounded the strangers and shooted with arrows. Strangely, the arrows couldn't injury them. The strangers then jumped high away out of the surrounding. They disappeared and could not be traced.

Más sobre Alor Island Incident - First Encounter

6: Alor Island Incident - Second Encounter

Some strange beings with dark blue clothes appeared in a village in southern Alor Island. There were six people which had same characteristics with what reported days before. Some of them have beard.

Más sobre Alor Island Incident - Second Encounter

7: Alor Island Incident - Third Encounter

Some inhabitants said that the strange beings searched for something unclear.

Más sobre Alor Island Incident - Third Encounter

8: Alor Island Incident - Abduction

A villager was captured, and a six-years old kid kidnapped by some people with dark blue clothes. Both are released eventually.


Más sobre Alor Island Incident - Abduction

9: Alor Island Incident - Shooting

In the midnight (around 00.00 am), some sound of fire explosion broke the silence. The strangers who were waited appeared. The strangers were in 13 metres away from the policemen.

The policemen then shooted them unisonly. But strangely, no blood found in the place where the strangers stood, even dead body. The shoots were very close and came from every angle that somebody should injured or even dead. The police only found some trees fell down and footprints that only five metres in the distance and then ended. They have no idea how come the strangers disappear.

Más sobre Alor Island Incident - Shooting

10: Alor Island Incident - Aftermath

After the shooting incident, there are many inhabitants saw a white-glowing oval flying object flew above the sea with high speed. It flew over the beach from west to the east side.

Más sobre Alor Island Incident - Aftermath

11: Vividly Bright Light Traveling at Extremely High Speed

Circa 1965.

Vividly bright light was observed from time to time moving from one bank of the lake to the other and back again, at times extremely rapidly.

During one encounter from approx. 20 m away, the water seemed to be bubbling. It seemed to be a body surrounded by light. Although was able to be observed at leisure, the witnesses were never able to make out its precise shape.


Más sobre Vividly Bright Light Traveling at Extremely High Speed

12: UFO Appears for Several Nights

May 1968, several days.

UFO dilaporkan muncul selama beberapa malam di sekitar danau Poso, Sulawesi pada bulan Mei 1968.


Más sobre UFO Appears for Several Nights

13: Underwater UFO Base in Poso Lake?

Más sobre Underwater UFO Base in Poso Lake?

14: Ngurah Rai Airport

Más sobre Ngurah Rai Airport

15: Iskandar Airport

Más sobre Iskandar Airport

16: Bomomani Airport

3° 57' 32.93" (S) / 135° 56' 21.95" (E)

Más sobre Bomomani Airport

17: Nabire Airport

Más sobre Nabire Airport

18: Soroako Airport

-2° 32' 15.71", 121° 16' 58.22"
-2.537698, 121.28284

Más sobre Soroako Airport

19: Mt. Agung Famous Sighting

17 Aug 1973, one of the earliest UFO photos in Indonesia.

Japanese tourist Ryo Terumoto, photographing the sacred Mount Agung, Bali, captured a silvery metallic lens shaped flying object in the distance just below the left peak. It has been said that later analysis showed the image to be of a real object far away.


Más sobre Mt. Agung Famous Sighting

20: Dark Red Oval UFO with Hissing Sound

22 Sep 1975, 15:00 WIB.

Muncul titik hitam di atas cakrawala yang menuju ke arah ladang minyak dengan kecepatan tinggi, menjadi sebesar bulan purnama dengan bentuk lonjong dan berwarna merah tua. Pada jarak kurang lebih 6 1/2 mil ( - 10 km) benda itu membelok dengan tajam dan menjauh kembali, sehingga ia menempuh lintasan seperti sebuah bumerang. Di kejauhan benda itu naik vertikal ke atas dan hilang dari pemandangan. Pada waktu mendekat sayup-sayup terdengar bunyi mendesing seperti gasing dengan frekuensi rendah sekali.

As told by Ir. Tony Hartono.


Más sobre Dark Red Oval UFO with Hissing Sound

21: Dark Red Oval UFO with Hissing Sound - Returned

29 Sep 1977, 18:00.

Witnessed by Dr.Ted.Telsch, Ir Tony Hartono's colleague.

Source: Source:

Más sobre Dark Red Oval UFO with Hissing Sound - Returned

22: Jaggy Flying Silvery Disc #1

14 Sep 1977, 13:30 WIT.

Benda itu terlihat pertama kali di atas laut kira-kira hanya 10 meter dari permukaannya. Kemudian ia terbang ke arah barat sambil membubung. Gerak terbangnya tersendat-sendat seperti layang-layang putus. Lintasan terbangnya lurus tetapi menanjak. Tidak terdengar bunyi sama sekali. Sewaktu berada di atas lembah, benda kurang lebih 500 meter dari saksi. Kemudian benda itu mendadak bergerak lagi meneruskan penerbangan dan hilang dan pandangan di belakang bukit-bukit.


Más sobre Jaggy Flying Silvery Disc #1

23: Jaggy Flying Silvery Disc #2

25 Sep 1977, 11:25 WIT.

Penyaksian benda yang sama terulang lagi dari tempat yang sama, dengan tempat muncul, arah terbang dan tempat menghilangnya persis sama. Hanya dalam penyaksian kedua itu tinggi terbangnya agak lebih tinggi yaitu antara 200 sampai 300 meter.

Benda itu jikalau dilihat dari bawah tampak bulat lonjong dengan garis tengah antara 3 sampai 4 meter. Di tengah-tengahnya terdapat sebuah bundaran hitam seperti kubah. Warna benda itu adalah abu-abu keputihan seperti cat metalik abu-abu muda. Apabila benda itu terkena sinar matahari, maka permukaannya mengkilau seperti atap seng.


Más sobre Jaggy Flying Silvery Disc #2

24: Flying Disc Emitting Sirene Sound

Circa 1981, afternoon.

Bertepatan dengan Pemilu (National Election), siang harinya (sesuai mencoblos), ibu-bapaknya dikejutkan oleh suara sirene di langit. Setelah mereka melihat keluar, tampak sebuah benda seperti piring yang terbang cepat ke arah timur.

As reported by Eka Bayu Saputra to BETA-UFO.


Más sobre Flying Disc Emitting Sirene Sound

25: Half Circle UFO - Sighting

Circa 1991, around 23:00 WITA.

Pulsating light appeared from behind a mountain's slope.

Más sobre Half Circle UFO - Sighting

26: Half Circle UFO - Witnesses

Circa 1991, around 23:00 WITA.

"Pas kami lagi asik ngobrol, tiba-tiba saya menangkap ada gejala aneh dari pulau di sebrang. Saya intip lewat pundak temen saya (karena posisi teman saya yang berhadapan dengan saya). saya liat ada cahaya sengah lingkaran di pertengahan pinggir gunung. Jadi kalo saya ilustrasikan seperti gambar anak kecil ketika mereka menggambar gunung dengan matahari yang terbit di sisi miringnya.

Sewaktu saya mau melihat dengan lebih jelas lagi sinar itu hilang dengan cara berpendar balik ke sisi yang lain (seperti sinar pada radar). Awalnya saya kurang "ngeh". tapi setelah saya sibuk ngobrol lagi....sinar itu berpendar lagi membentuk setengah lingkaran.

Dan ketika saya mau melihat lingkaran itu lagi...apa pun lah itu, kembali lagi menghilang dengan caranya yang sama. Kemudian karena ini sudah gak normal saya memutuskan untuk memberitahukan teman2 saya. Mereka semua langsung berputar posisi untuk melihat ke "cahaya" yang saya tunjuk...dan proses menghilangnya kembali sama dan kali ini disaksikan teman2 saya".

As reported by Sasha to BETA-UFO.


Más sobre Half Circle UFO - Witnesses

27: Large Disc With Green Glows Flies Low with Hissing Sound

Circa 1982, 21:00 WIT.

Dari daerah pegunungan di arah barat ( arah belakang saksi ) muncul suatu objek bulat besar berbentuk cakram yang memancarkan sinar berwarna hijau muda. Sinar yang dipancarkan stabil ( tidak berkedip ). Bentuk keliling objek itu tidak diketahui pasti, dikarenakan sinar yang memancar cukup terang tadi.

Objek tersebut bergerak perlahan ke arah lapangan tennis dengan mengelurkan bunyi mendesis. Ukuran objek tersebut hampir sebesar lapangan tennis dan ketinggiannya sekitar 100 - 120 meter dari permukaan tanah. Objek itu kemudian bergerak perlahan membuat lintasan yang lurus. Begitu sampai di atas lapangan tennis, objek itu mengubah arah menuju ke timur laut dan terus bergerak.

Sesampainya di atas pepohonan cemara yang berjarak sekitar 40 meter dari lapangan tennis, objek tersebut kemudian melesat dengan kecepatan yang luar biasa ke arah laut.

Durasi penyaksian sekitar satu menit dan disaksikan oleh kurang lebih 30 orang.


Más sobre Large Disc With Green Glows Flies Low with Hissing Sound

28: Oval Shaped Ship Flying Fast with Loud Noise

16 Jul 1992, 02:00 WITA.

Made terbangun setelah mendengar suara keras di samping rumahnya. Setelah dilihat keluar ternyata pesawat itu bukanlah pesawat biasa, karena bentuknya lonjong dan kecepatan perginya sangat tinggi. Setelah ditanyakan ke bagian radar, UFO itu tidak terdeteksi

As informed by Made Windyana to BETA-UFO.

Más sobre Oval Shaped Ship Flying Fast with Loud Noise

29: UFO Pipih Gendut over Ngurah Rai Airport

27 Aug 1992 approx 19:15 WITA above Ngurah Rai International Airport, witnesed by Prayogo, Executive Director of Equator Divepro, and a whole group of Japanese tourists


Más sobre UFO Pipih Gendut over Ngurah Rai Airport

30: Silvery Disc Causing Air Pressure Change

1993, around 22:00 WIB.

Bentuknya seperti piring, ada lampu berkedip di setiap tepiannya, Warnanya benda tersebut, sekilas seperti silver/perak, lampu berwarna merah keputihan dengan sedikit kilatan-kilatan putih. Lampu tersebut tidak berasal seperti halnya bola lampu yang ada di dunia kita, tapi seperti logam yang bersinar. Cukup lama juga benda tersebut berputar, dan kemudian melesat naik dengan kecepatan luar biasa, dan mendadak telingaku normal kembali.

As reported by Alessandro to beta-ufo. Source:

Más sobre Silvery Disc Causing Air Pressure Change

31: Annual UFO Visitation

21 Mar 1993, 19:00 WIB.

Dulu saya waktu masih anak2 saya mengaku pernah melihat ufo. ufo tersebut datang setiap tahun 1x melintasi langit2 rumah dengan lambat, ufo tersebut berbentuk piring terbang besar dan bersinar. saya tidak sendirian melihat itu, ditemeni kedua orang tua saya yang tau aktifitas ufo tersebut.. kami merasa kedatangan ufo pada saat itu tidak lah asing lagi karena menjadi rutinitas.

p.s.: Details of UFO is admitted identical with the one described in "Silvery Disc Causing Air Pressure Change" sighting nearby.

As reported by anonymous to, with details at

Más sobre Annual UFO Visitation

32: Immense Triangular Craft with Pulsing Lights Hovering

17 Sep 1999, 01:00 WITA.

Allison Williams was walking on the beach with a friend at 1:00 AM. They sighted an immense triangular shape craft with pulsing lights hovering above. The sky is exceptionally clear there and the stars are very brilliant so it was difficult to tell the altitude of the triangle.

They continued to watch from the beach and a smaller object with lights departed from the triangle moving south towards Australia. The huge triangle continued to hover in the sky for more than hour when they decided to leave the UFO was still there.

Más sobre Immense Triangular Craft with Pulsing Lights Hovering

33: USO Bumped KM Sinar Patmos

15 Dec 1999

Robert Matualabe on board KM Sinar Patmos, reported seeing glowing long object appears from under the sea, and collide with his ship.


Más sobre USO Bumped KM Sinar Patmos

36: Tadpole Like Ship Flying Slow and Low

Circa 2000?, at night.

Dari Bomomani, ibu kota distrik Mapia, Hubertus melihat sebuah benda angkasa terbang sangat dekat di atas rumahnya menuju ke arah gunung Dogiyai.

Benda angkasa ini terlihat hampir mirip dengan berudu. Kepalanya satu bundaran, kemudian ekornya dua. Antara kepala dan ekor, dihubungan oleh dua buah besi yang bercahaya. Warna cahaya seperti benda yang sedang kena strom listrik.

Karena benda angkasa itu terbang sangat pelan dan dekat di atas rumahnya, dirinya menuju jalan besar dan mengikutinya. Tempat sekitar itu, kata Tebay, sangat terang benderang, malah kalah dengan siang hari. Di bagian kepala benda angkasa tersebut, terlihat semacam ada orang mengemudi.

Hubertus mengatakan, dirinya tidak tahu menahu sedikitpun tentang pengetahuan Unidentificated Flying Object (UFO) yang sudah berkembang dewasa ini. Dia hanya menyangka bahwa benda-benda angkasa itu adalah tete nene moyang yang menampakkan diri padanya.

Hubertus menilai, benda-benda angkasa yang pernah ia ketemu itu, semuanya datang dan pergi dari gunung Dogiyai yang terletak di sebelah selatan Mapia, tepatnya dekat kampung Diheugi. Kemungkinan besar, kata Tebay, gunung Dogiyai adalah semacam bandar udara.


Más sobre Tadpole Like Ship Flying Slow and Low

37: Helicopter-like Glowing Object Spotter

Circa 2000?

Hubertus Tebay saw a glowing plane in shape of a helicopter at Kampung Toubay. The Heli-like plane flies toward Mt. Dogiyai then disappeared.


Más sobre Helicopter-like Glowing Object Spotter

38: Roars of Airplane Often Heard from Mt. Dogiyai

Circa 2000?

Tadpole Like Ship Flying Slow and Low

Más sobre Roars of Airplane Often Heard from Mt. Dogiyai

39: Colorful Ship Emerges and Flying Fast

Jan 2007, 09:00 WIT.

Muncul sebuah benda angkasa dengan cahaya warna-warni melesat dalam kecepatan tinggi dari arah Mt. Dogiyai, menghilang ke arah selatan Mt. Degeydimi. Kilauannya memancar jauh, warga setempat menganggap itu meteor jatuh, ada pula yang menganggap pesawat intelijen dari negara tertentu.

Reported by Margaretha Degey and Fransiskus X Wakei, S. Sos.


Más sobre Colorful Ship Emerges and Flying Fast

40: Huge Plane Seen Flying and Heard

Circa 2000?

Hubertus saw a huge plane flying towards Mt. Dogiyai. The plane's roaring sound are clearly heard, and its shape are also clearly shown as well.


Más sobre Huge Plane Seen Flying and Heard

41: Alien Base at Mt. Dogiyai?


Tadpole Like Ship Flying Slow and Low

Más sobre Alien Base at Mt. Dogiyai?

42: USO Sank KM Lintas Samudera?

26 Jan 2000.

Some survivors, most of them are transmigrants, of UPT III and IV in Hialu, District of Asera, Municipality of Kendari explain that beside the big-waves, the ship sank because it collided with some kind of strange creature. "I saw it myself, the ship was hitting something like a boat which have three beams of bright lights", Said Sukaryo, one of the survivors.


Más sobre USO Sank KM Lintas Samudera?

43: 30-40 Glowing USO Observed by KM Siduarsi

Circa 2000, 04:00 WIT.

It was 10 minutes to the shifting time (04.00 AM), suddenly we were shocked by two light objects which were not known where they were from. The lights went to our ship, its velocity was faster than our ship (6-7 knot). So the lights seemed to crash our ship. But then they stopped in abruptly strange motion just in front of our ship, about 300 meters. It didn’t happen in long time for few seconds after, other lights shown up in bigger and strange shapes of lights. Each object was in different shape. Each had characteristic like neon lamp. The object were around 30-40 lights. The outer line area was like oval shape.

What made us nerve … we or any other ship who were in the middle of the lights couldn’t do anything more facing the sudden experience. The ship captain once heard to yell something when he found the compass needle suddenly moved in jagged spinning when the shard of lights shown up.

It happened in not more than 8 minutes. Our ship once passed under some lights above us that the ship was truly shone brightly. We didn’t feel any crash or else. During experiencing the incident, our ship’s water draft was around 4. The ship loaded lots of woods.

Each different light then idle but still on its surface, it reflected its shadow. All of them had it and moved in regular motion. For being idle, we were amazed by the strange phenomena that out of our consciousness, we had passed the line in the middle of the area of the unknown object. We predicted the object width was around 1,8 miles as we passed for 8 minutes from the corner to the quay. We wonder what object could move so fast down to water and stopped abruptly.

As reported by Setiawan Triadi to BETA-UFO.


Más sobre 30-40 Glowing USO Observed by KM Siduarsi

44: Enormous Craft with Blinding Light Gliding Silently

June 2004, 03:00 WITA.

Enormeous craft with tremendous lights blinding lights and hover above us and disappear at extremely high speed. lights were so intense it seems it was day light. 

It was like a series or rows of projectors in front of this craft, flying so low with absolutely no sounds. It flew like a plane but hovered like an helicopter.

As informed by Brian Vike to HBCC UFO Research. 

Source: ufoinfo

Más sobre Enormous Craft with Blinding Light Gliding Silently

45: Huge USO with Triangular and Oblong Light Formation

May 2005, around 1:00 - 2:00 WIB.

Dari arah buritan saya melihat sekumpulan cahaya terang berpendar seperti lampu neon/ flourescent berputar di kedalaman laut membentuk formasi segitiga dan lingkaran (hampir berbentuk oval) berjalan mendekati kapal saya (berjalan sejajar dengan sisi kapal).


As reported by Iwan Gunawan on BETA-UFO gathering.



Más sobre Huge USO with Triangular and Oblong Light Formation

46: Formation of 5 UFOs Encircled by Lights

7 May 2006, approx. 20:00 WITA.

Berupa piringan yg muncul di atas kepala saya, di sekitar perbukitan Senggigi. Lampu yang begitu banyak mengitari benda asing itu. Ada sekitar 5 buah benda asing membentuk formasi.

As reported by Vendy to website.

Más sobre Formation of 5 UFOs Encircled by Lights

47: Bright Lights in The Sky

Mid July 2008.

Más sobre Bright Lights in The Sky

48: Transparent Flying Black Boomerang UFO

8 Jan 2009.

Berbentuk layaknya bumerang. Memiliki warna hitam namun transparan. Kecepatan sekitar 10 Km/Jam. Ketinggian jelajah sktr 5-6 mtr. Jarak dr posisi kami sekitar 10-15 Mtr. Dan tidak mengeluarkan suara.

As reported by Amibowo P. Nugroho to website

Más sobre Transparent Flying Black Boomerang UFO

49: Very Large Disc Encircled by Orangeish Lights

11 Jun 2009, 20:00 WIB.
Piring terbang sangat besar di kelilingi oleh lampu merah-oranye-kuning yg memutarinya.
As reported by Anissa to website.

Más sobre Very Large Disc Encircled by Orangeish Lights

50: Oblong UFO Circling clouds over Iskandar Airport

03 Dec 2009, 20:20 WIB.
Bentuknya lonjong agak segitiga (seperti pesawat piagio avanti 180) berputar-putar di antara awan dan bergerak mengelilingi awan dan melakukan belokan tajam sehingga membentuk kotak.
As reported by Desanggi Ritzky Aditya to website.

Más sobre Oblong UFO Circling clouds over Iskandar Airport

51: Black Disc Spotted over Brangbiji airport

5 Jan 2010, approx 15:00 WITA.

Black disc appeared very fast from behind the nearby mountain into the sky above airport then disappeared.

As reported by anonymous to website

Más sobre Black Disc Spotted over Brangbiji airport

52: 50 Balls of light

12 Jan 2010 approx 02.30 during a night flight from Jakarta to Ternate.

Witnessed by Hasraldi:

Más sobre 50 Balls of light

53: 6 Bright Yellowish Sphere above Ngurah Rai airport

18 Jan 2010, approx. 23:00 WITA. 6 UFO sighted above Ngurah Rai airport with formation as follow: 2 on top, 3 in the middle and 1 below. Looks spherical and emitted a very bright yellow light.

As reported by Fanty Fang to website.

Más sobre 6 Bright Yellowish Sphere above Ngurah Rai airport

54: Hovering Triangular Craft Observed Hovering

7 May 2010, 20:00 WIB.

Sehabis pulang dr alfamart lewat jl. pamularsih dari jarak 200m tampak cahaya merah kekuning2an aku pikir lampu tower telekomnikasi tapi  sekitar 50m anak dan istriku bilang ada pesawat tp diam aja di atas rumah lalu aku berhenti dan aku lihat ada seperti benda berbentuk segitiga di sekitarnya tampak cahaya kecil kelapkelip 3bh sesaat kemudian benda tersebut bergerak berlahan2 ke arah timur tanpa ada suara sedikit pun.

As reported by anonymous to website.

Más sobre Hovering Triangular Craft Observed Hovering

55: Black Disc Photographed over Serangan Island

25 Aug 2010, approx 08:00 WITA.

Black disc accidentally captured in a photograph, flying above Serangan Island.

Serangan 100826.jpg


Más sobre Black Disc Photographed over Serangan Island

56: Elongated Flying Object Blinking and Hovering then Heading North

11 Oct 2010, approx. 19:00 WITA.

sebuah benda asing bentuk memajang berkedip terang berhenti selama beberapa saat di udara kemudian berjalan perlahan menuju ke utara

As reported by anonymous to website.

Más sobre Elongated Flying Object Blinking and Hovering then Heading North

57: Crop Circle Sleman 2011 (CC1-11)

23 Jan 2011

Ds. Jogo Tirto, Berbah, Sleman,
GPS: -7° 49' 3.34", 110° 27' 50.79"
Google: -7.817594,110.464107

Más sobre Crop Circle Sleman 2011 (CC1-11)

58: Crop Circle Piyungan 2011 (CC2-11)

25 Jan 2011
Dusun Wonojoyo Kidul, Desa Srimartani, Kecamatan Piyungan, Kabupaten Bantul, DI Yogyakarta

GPS: -7° 50' 8.49", 110° 28' 40.40"
Google: -7.835693,110.477889

Más sobre Crop Circle Piyungan 2011 (CC2-11)

59: Crop Circle Magelang 2011 (CC3-11)

Desa Banyusari, Kecamatan Tegalrejo, Magelang, GPS: -7° 26' 52.16", 110° 16' 29.75"

7*26'45.1" S, 110*16'27.3" E
Altitude: 512meters

Más sobre Crop Circle Magelang 2011 (CC3-11)

60: Fast Flying Light Ball Changes Direction

1 Feb 2011, approx. 19:30 WITA.

Bentuknya bulat, pertama dilihat seakan berjalan ke arah utara, lalu tiba-tiba menikung ke arah tempat saya melihat dan seakan-akan membesar.Lalu mereka" berubah arah dan melesat jauh ke langit dengan kecepatan cukup tinggi.

As reported by anonymous to website.

Más sobre Fast Flying Light Ball Changes Direction

61: Colorful Flying Light Spiral

29 Mar 2011, approx 20:35 WITA.

formasi cahaya kuning, hijau, biru , merah dan putih berbentuk lingkaran besar menyerupai bentuk lingkaran obat nyamuk kerlap kerlip sangat terang . cukup tinggi tapi tanpak jelas, mengarah ke timur dengan kecepatan sedang

As reported by anonymous to website

Más sobre Colorful Flying Light Spiral

62: 3 Morphing UFO with Yellowish Glow

02 Apr 2011, around 2:00 WIB.

formasi cahaya dengan tiga titik bergerak seperti pesawat terbang dari arah utara menuju barat daya.tapi satu sama lain berjarak cukup jauh. kemudian beberapa menit kemudian titik tersebut seperti berpenjar mengeluarkan sinar berwarna kekuning-kuningan. dan dalam hitungan detik ketiga sinar itu berubah seperti piringan dan berpencar dan menghilang begitu saja ke arah barat.

As reported by Steffany Fatma to website.

Más sobre 3 Morphing UFO with Yellowish Glow

63: Soft lighted UFO with Circling Rings - Part 1

19 May 2011, approx. 22:00 WITA.

Diajeng saw a soft lighted UFO hovering above a rice field.

"Ya, cahaya itu dekat sekali dan berhenti. Saya merasa itu UFO karena daerah menuju rumah saya sangat minim lampu jalan. Terang, tetapi soft, tak terlalu menyilaukan,"

She described the UFO as circular with glowing edges, with circling rings around it.


Más sobre Soft lighted UFO with Circling Rings - Part 1

64: Soft lighted UFO with Circling Rings - Part 2

2 Jun 2011, approx. 22:00 WITA

Más sobre Soft lighted UFO with Circling Rings - Part 2

65: Bright UFO Hovering for an Hour

7 Jun 2011, at night.
Very bright object hovering for about an hour reported by Rini Wulandari, resident of Puri Citra Pratama.

"Benda itu terlihat seperti pesawat yang diam, tidak bergerak, hanya melayang di udara. Di bagian bawah pesawat ada banyak lampu yang menyala sangat terang,"


Más sobre Bright UFO Hovering for an Hour

66: Silver Disc with Bright Lights over Ngurah Rai Airport

23 Dec 2011 afternoon, flying almost still then moving slowly towards east, in the middle of busy traffic.

From UFO Photo Analysis

As reported by Indira Devika in her blog:

Más sobre Silver Disc with Bright Lights over Ngurah Rai Airport


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