Kababisa (Equinox) - Zambian Copperbelt (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Kababisa was reconnaissance drill tested with aircore and RC methods in mid-2006. Results obtained were encouraging, with the intersection of transition copper oxidesulphide minerals in the up-dip position of the interpreted thrust. An extensive RC drill program was completed in 2007 (30 holes for 4747 m) which tested an area of 500 mEW by 1400 mNS along the east-central portion of the IP anomaly. A solitary ore schist horizon of 8 – 14 m thickness was intersected, and it remains open to the north, south and west. Sulphide mineralogy is exclusively chalcopyrite and rare trace uraninite, and in terms of sulphide assemblage and copper grades the mineralization bears similarity to the ore zone at Chimiwungo rather than Malundwe. The mineralization is hosted in a different thrust sheet from Malundwe.
Lumwana Project (LML49)
100% Equinox Minerals Ltd (ASX:EQN, TSX:EQN)
373850mE, 8652500mN
-12° 11' 13.16", +25° 50' 25.55"

Mapa del lugar de interés Kababisa (Equinox)

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Kababisa (Equinox), con el API de Google Street View

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