Chingola Open Pit "F" - Zambian Copperbelt (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Other names: COP 'F'
Chingola Open Pits D & F combined  (COP D & F) 
Probable 20.17Mt at 1.75% Cu, 0.45% AsCu
Measured 0.09Mt at 1.49% Cu, 0.61% AsCu
Indicated 3.16Mt at 2.19% Cu, 0.88% AsCu
Inferred 82.41Mt at 1.34% Cu, 0.84% As Cu
4.2.3 Chingola Open Pit
Chingola Open Pit (COP) areas D and F are structurally simple with consistent orebody thickness and good spatial grade continuity along strike and dip. The two parts of the COP D and F pit are separated by a barren zone representing a topographic high or reef facies.

Mapa del lugar de interés Chingola Open Pit "F"

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Chingola Open Pit

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