(ethic) - The Florentine Pick-Up Points (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

The (ethic) store on Borgo degli Albizi doesn’t have a window or even a door...but it does have a tunnel that leads to a large room illuminated by a giant skylight. You need personality to leave the streetside craziness and come into this space: once inside, paintings by young artists, a natural cosmetics counter, fashion magazines and trendy music compilations frame the clothesracks, leaving ample room for browsing the unique collections. The (ethic) style doesn’t change according to the fashion of the moment but instead develops according to the designers’ creativity and unerring choices of original styles and colors—all made in limited quantities. Clients of (ethic) love The Florentine and Linda Falcone’s books...and for that we say thanks!

Mapa del lugar de interés (ethic)

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de (ethic), con el API de Google Street View

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