Voy Alimento - Paris (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio


Voy Alimento is a rare and wonderful thing, a 100% vegan, 100% organic restaurant in Paris serving wonderful food in a welcoming and chic setting.

I’d always loved taking a trip to the Raspail Market and visiting the South American superfoods stand was always a high point, so during Summer’s trip back to Paris there was no way I was going to miss out on checking out their restaurant which has been open for a couple of years in the 10th, right by the Canal St Martin and walking distance from Place de la République.

The setting is a small, cozy converted old bar decorated with earthy, rustic touches but in a minimalist way that keeps the space light and open. A large chalkboard takes up the left hand wall, while the right hand side of the restaurant is taken up by a store selling maca, yacumba and the like.

This restaurant has earned its place as my favorite in the city. It’s vegan, fresh, creative, and the people seem really excited to serve you their amazing food. If I had only one day in Paris, this would be the place I would eat. (I might get a falafel too…ok, I for sure would… at L’As du Falafel…)

23, rue des Vinaigriers, Paris, 75010

Métro Jacques Bonsergent

Tél : 01 42 01 03 44


Mapa del lugar de interés Voy Alimento

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Voy Alimento, con el API de Google Street View

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