L'Ebauchoir Restaurant - Paris (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio


The Quartier d'Aligre, not far from Bastille, is becoming one of the trendiest parts of Paris, and one of the earliest "neo bistrots" to open here was L'Ebauchoir. On the bargain set menu at lunch you'll discover old-fashioned traditional dishes - roast guinea fowl, braised pork ribs and an irresistible crème caramel - while in the evening, the more expensive à la carte formula lets chef Thomas Dufour conjure up more inventive gourmet dishes. Wonderful frescoes decorate the walls and the friendly staff create a lively atmosphere.

· 43, rue de Citeaux; + 33 (0)1 4342 4931; lebauchoir.com. Set lunch, €14 (£11); dinner a la carte, €35-40 (£28-31). Metro: Faidherbe-Chaligny

Mapa del lugar de interés L'Ebauchoir Restaurant

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