Wolverhampton Bonfire and Fireworks - Birmingham & Midlands Fireworks displays (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

West Park, Park Road West, Wolverhampton. Saturday, November 3. Adults £4, Children £2.50, under 2 years old free. Gates open at 5.30pm. At 7pm, the younger audience can watch their own firework display, at 7.30pm the mayor lights the bonfire, at 8.30pm there is a spectacular fireworks display set to popular music. Tickets from Midland Box Office (0870 320 7000) or at the gate on the night. Details 01902 552099.

Mapa del lugar de interés Wolverhampton Bonfire and Fireworks

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fotografía panorámica de Wolverhampton Bonfire and Fireworks, con el API de Google Street View

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