Arunta St, Karalee - Magpie Map 2011 - By Quest Newspapers (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Cass: A Magpie is attacking the local kids. The bird is nesting in a large tree outside no. 34 and has a great view of the street, whenever it sees any of the kids outside it attacks. It has even attacked the neighbours kids while they were under their back patio. The bird is getting more and more aggressive. It has cornered the young fellow next door on numerous occasions and continually swoops him. Yesterday it made contact with his head and a small cut was the result. The neighbours have attempted to befriend the bird by offering food, but this has not worked. The bird doesn't attack adults just kids. The kids are too scared to play in their own yard because of the bird.It has been reported to council but they have advised they can't do anything about it, as the bird is on private property.

Mapa del lugar de interés Arunta St, Karalee

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