Collins Rd, Everton Hills - Magpie Map 2011 - By Quest Newspapers (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Claire: I was out for a run along Collins Road, Everton Hills (near Alfredson Park) when a nasty character started swooping. Unfortunately for me he promptly recruited another buddy and the two commenced their torturous pursuit.

Having experienced some severe childhood trauma of this regard, I immediately turned into a hysterical mess fleeing for my life! Thankfully for me a lovely chap, indeed my knight in shining armour, came to my rescue. Seeing my distress, he ran across the road from his parked car yelling instructions, "Stop Running!!" "Wave a stick", and subsequently providing me with such a stick to defend myself with.

My poor 6mth old got a right fright with my erratic behaviour (some may call it frenzied panic) but unlike her mother, recovered unscathed. I however have regressed to my traumatised youth with flashbacks of running the gauntlet (aka carpark) up to the PCYC afterschool care!

I understand that you sometimes inform the unaware public of the perils these bloody magpies cause, I hope this can assist some others in avoiding the little buggers!!

Mapa del lugar de interés Collins Rd, Everton Hills

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Collins Rd, Everton Hills, con el API de Google Street View

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