The approximate route that The Reef Maker's ship it taking. The total journey is estimated to be at just over 800 miles.

0: Approximate Ship Route
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1: Started Journey in Miami
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2: Tues at 9:00am
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3: Wed at 9:00am
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4: Tacky Jacks Gulf Shores
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5: Walter Marine
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: Approximate Ship Route

Más sobre Approximate Ship Route

1: Started Journey in Miami

Más sobre Started Journey in Miami

2: Tues at 9:00am

Más sobre Tues at 9:00am

3: Wed at 9:00am

Más sobre Wed at 9:00am

4: Tacky Jacks Gulf Shores

Shipwatch Party - This ship is believed to be the largest to ever enter this portion of the Intracoastal Waterway. Watching it come under the the bridge at Hwy 59 will be a sight to see, and photograph.

Más sobre Tacky Jacks Gulf Shores

5: Walter Marine

The ship will be prepared for sinking as a reef.

Más sobre Walter Marine


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