Locations around the Birmingham City Centre used in episode 4 of the BBC Drama

0: Salford Circus, Beneath Spaghetti Junction
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1: James Watt Queensway
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2: Brandwood End Cemetery, Kings Heath
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3: Placemark 4
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4: Brandwood End Cemetery
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5: Millennium Point Offices
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6: Lionel Street, Birmingham
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7: Broad Street, Birmingham
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8: Former Birmingham Municipal Bank, Broad Street
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9: West Midlands Fire HQ, Lancaster Circus
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10: House of Sport Car Park, Bridge Street
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11: Wholesale Markets
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: Salford Circus, Beneath Spaghetti Junction


Más sobre Salford Circus, Beneath Spaghetti Junction

1: James Watt Queensway

In the background is the Fire Station at Lancaster Circus


Más sobre James Watt Queensway

2: Brandwood End Cemetery, Kings Heath

The line of trees and the central cross were a big clue

Más sobre Brandwood End Cemetery, Kings Heath

4: Brandwood End Cemetery

The central building that is under repair (with fencing surrounding it) was the give away


Más sobre Brandwood End Cemetery

5: Millennium Point Offices

AC-12 Office


Más sobre Millennium Point Offices

6: Lionel Street, Birmingham

Driving down towards Ludgate Hill


Más sobre Lionel Street, Birmingham

7: Broad Street, Birmingham


Más sobre Broad Street, Birmingham

8: Former Birmingham Municipal Bank, Broad Street


Más sobre Former Birmingham Municipal Bank, Broad Street

9: West Midlands Fire HQ, Lancaster Circus



Más sobre West Midlands Fire HQ, Lancaster Circus

10: House of Sport Car Park, Bridge Street


Más sobre House of Sport Car Park, Bridge Street

11: Wholesale Markets


Más sobre Wholesale Markets


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