By Szilágyi Gábor

0: Plants of Liliomos
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1: Plants of Blaskovics-puszta
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2: Plants of Montág-puszta
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3: Csorvási löszgyep
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4: Tatársánci ?sgyep
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5: Tompapusztai löszgyep
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6: Maros-ártér
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7: Körös-ártér
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0: Plants of Liliomos

103.jpg Buglyos boglárka
(Ranunculus polyphyllus)
szikes mocsarak védett hínárfaja. A Nemzeti Park szikes mocsaraiban mindenfelé elterjedt.


Cirsium.brachycephalum.1.jpg Kisfészk? aszat
(Cirsium brachycephalum JURATZKA)
Szikesek, szikes mocsarak sót?r?, bennszülött növénye. Virágzás:Július-augusztus. 30-150 cm magas, felálló szárú, kétéves növény. A szár felül csupasz, alig leveles. A levelek keskeny- vagy hosszúkás tojásdadok, a t?levelek épek, a fels?bbek karéjosak vagy hasogatottak, a karéjok tövishegy?ek, fonákuk kopaszodó vagy kopasz. Az apró fészkekb?l 5-20 áll egy csomóban, fehér molyhos, levéltelen kocsányokon. A fészek 7-10 mm hosszú, 6-10 mm széles, hosszúkás, a párta fehéreslila. A fészek- pikkelyek 1-3 mm hosszúak, molyhos él?ek, sárga szálkahegy?ek. Termése 2.5 mm hosszú bóbitája 6 mm.


90.jpg Pompás kosbor
(Orchis laxiflora ssp. elegans)
mocsárrétek védett orchideafaja. A Dél-Tiszántúlon ritka, a Nemzeti Parkban mindössze Királyhegyes és Biharugra térségében fordul el?.


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1: Plants of Blaskovics-puszta

1790_20040605_101944.jpg Sziki ?szirózsa
(Aster tripolium subsp. pannonicum)

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96a.jpg Erdélyi útif?
(Plantago schwarzenbergiana)
szikes réteken, szikes pusztákon, szikfokokon, f?leg szolonyec sziken él. Erdélyi-pannóniai endemikus (bennszülött) faj. Védett


F606809.jpg ?szi csillagvirág
(Scilla autumnalis, Hyacinthaceae)

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2: Plants of Montág-puszta

77.jpg A vet?virág (Sternbergia colchiciflora) löszgyepek apró termet? védett növényfaja. Csapadékos ?sz esetén tízezerszámra nyílik a Nemzeti Park területén. Virágai szárazság esetén a föld alatt is megtermékenyülnek. Leveleit és termését tavasszal hozza.


93.jpg A macskahere (Phlomis tuberosa) löszpusztagyepek védett növényfaja. A Nemzeti Parkban elterjedt.


95.jpg A kék atracél (Anchusa barrelieri) löszpusztarétek pontusi-mediterrán elterjedés? védett faja. Égszínkék virágaival május-júniusban találkozhatunk a Nemzeti Park löszgyepjeiben. A kék atracél a tápnövénye a ritka atracél cincérnek (Pilemia tigrina).


Pholiurus.pannonicus.3.jpg Kígyófarkf? (Pholiurus pannonicus)
Jellemz?k: tövét?l ágas, térdesen felemelked? egyéves. A levél 5 cm hosszú, 2 mm széles, érdes, nyelvecskéje 3-4 mm-es, hegyes. A virágzat vékony, hengeres kalász. A füzérke fiatalon a tengely mélyedéseibe simul, éretten hegyeszögben elálló, 4-5 mm hosszú, a pelyvái többer?ek, virítás után

egymástól elállóak, porcos él?, a toklász hártyás.
Virágzás: Május-június.
Méret: 5-15cm
Él?hely: Id?szakosan nedves, szikes társulásokban


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3: Csorvási löszgyep

The loess lawn at Csorvás (Area: 2 hectares, cannot be visited).

The tiny area serves to protect the largest population in Hungary of the Transylvanian Adonis, which came about as a result of the natural hybridization of the Volga adonis (Adonis volgensis) and the yellow adonis (Adonis vernalis). It is still not clear how the Transylvanian adonis (Adonis transsylvanicus) got there near the side of a railway embankment and a dirt road. The plant cannot be propagated artificially, therefore this locality of the plant – only three more localities are known – at Csorvás is highly protected.

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4: Tatársánci ?sgyep

The ancient lawn at Tatársánc (Area: 0.6 hectare, cannot be visited).

The history of the smallest highly protected fenced area – to the south of Orosháza – in Hungary starts about in the 6th century B.C. Then a double earth work was built around one of the branches of the ancient Maros by the tribes living here against the attacks of the Scythians.
The earth work stretched as long as three kilometers and were used for three centuries and then they were abandoned. However, the steepest side of the higher earthwork has never been cultivated ever since, therefore the surviving just a few square meter loess steppe ancient lawn association is at least 2500 years old! The most characteristic species are: the violet sp. (Viola ambiguna), the Jerusalem sage, the squinancywort (Asperula cynanchica), the common ragwort (Senecio jacobaea), the small wild-strawberry (Fragaria viridis) and the lesser meadow-rue (Thalictrum minus).

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5: Tompapusztai löszgyep

The loess steppe meadow at Kistompapuszta. (Area: 21 hectares, it can be walked through on dirt roads.)
This sensitive, tiny area is the largest contiguous ancient lawn in loess steppe in Hungary. This gem, reminiscent of a once was world which seemed endless once, is surrounded by agricultural fields. Its small area can be seen from the road going next to it, and from the dirt roads going through it, but 'keep of the grass', because its precious association can become weedy as a result of the smallest damaging. The steppe changes its physiognomy moment by moment, it responds to the slightest changes of light. Its typical plants represent the whole range of colours: the hairy feather-grass (Stipa capillata), the periwinkle (Vinca herbacea) etc. bloom in the small area. A small, but stable community of lesser mole rats live their life under the ground.

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6: Maros-ártér

The flood lands of the Maros, the Makó-Landori forests. (Area 2852 hectares, can be visited freely.)
The Maros is perhaps the most misterious river in Hungary and in Transylavania sustaining dozens of unbelievable stories. The river must be dealt with due foresight, it takes its toll every year unless it is approached with respect. Though its reaches in Hungary make up only the last few kilometers of the river, islands where man never stepped, almost impenetrable hard and soft wooded lush groves are sustained by the river. The national park starts after the ferry in Tápé and it stretches as far as Makó, but it is worth following the river on the dam to Nagylak. Plants considered rare in Hungary live in the flood lands: the broad helleborine (Epipactis helleborine), ramsons (Allium ursinum), the primrose (Primula). The avifauna is the indicator of the untouched nature: the raven, the hobby, the black stork, the two colonies of herons feel at home here.

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7: Körös-ártér

The floodlands of the K?rös (Area: 7320 hectares, canbe visited freely).

This more than a hundred kilometer section stretches along the bank of the Hármas-K?rös from Gyomaendr?d to Csorna, comprising of the fields of several settlements. Naturally the quality of the habitats, the flora and fauna is very different depending on the location, whether it is far from settlemnts, or it is a dead branch area, or a popular excursion place – as the bank of the K?rös is a popular leisure area of the locals.
The primary value of the valley of the K?rös is the sight of the landscape. This strip of area along the flood lands of the river is reminiscent of the former flood lands with groves, and uncontrolled watercourses. The majority of the flood lands groves is unfortunately planted, but they grow naturally by now, as they have been under protection for a long while. Broom-willows, groups of old, hollow poplars, oak-ash-elm groves alternate with each other.

The water-chestnut, the floating watermoss, the water-lily thrive in the dead branches. The small lakelets, poodly areas in the flood-plains provide habitat for birds favouring quiet areas made impenetrable by clematis, grape vine (Vitis silvestris): the black stork, the common heron, the roller (Coracias garrulus), the kingfisher (Alcedo atthis), common buzzard (Buteo buteo), the harrier, the kestrel (blood hawk) nest here, and less frequently the short-eared owl, the hobby (Falco subbuteo). The otter, the wild cat (Felis sylvestris) and the badger (Meles meles) live in the most hidden thicket of flood areas.

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