Family, Friends, to unique or even wierded

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Homes and Houses I visit, visited or passed through, a mixture of feelings, levels of emotions and love as well as illness or death,........ Homes and Houses that call my attention cause of its inhabitants or its architectural style, location or some weired aspect of the Human Spirit in all of us, ill or ignored or lost and not rescued or not ....... Bob Frassinetti, Living and travelling for arts and antiques and enjoying my time here, ......

0: Family
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1: Eva RONA
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2: Eva RONA
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3: Pasteur 180
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4: Frassinetti Biz
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5: The Cottage In The Woods
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6: Home for Damian and Andrea
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7: Spinkhill
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4: Frassinetti Biz

Más sobre Frassinetti Biz

5: The Cottage In The Woods

Más sobre The Cottage In The Woods

6: Home for Damian and Andrea

Lives in the Delta, at 106 Aroyo Espera, Muelle La Mami, entre Aroyo Gelvez and Aroyo de las Gaviotas, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina,........on an Island take a bus boat from Tigre, Muele UNO, Interisleno,..... more details conact him at
You can also contact him at the Artisian Market on Plaza San isidro, next to the Cathderal of San Isidro, ...... or email me,

Más sobre Home for Damian and Andrea

7: Spinkhill

Spinkhill, my Village, near Sheffield, UK

Más sobre Spinkhill


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