If you are flying into Split Airport,These directions will bring you to the ferry port in Split. You will go and buy a ticket for Supetar. Our main office is in Supetar. We have a second office at the entry to Milna. . Bijaka Bay is situated on the far end of Milna. Before you arrive to Milna village if you were directed to take the bypass road you will see it on your right follow it to the end. You will then see a sign for Bijaka Plaza, turn right at the sign then immediate left. You will be entering the resort. Drive around until you enter the main carpark

0: Driving directions to Milna Brac
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1: From: Split Airport, Kaštel Štafili?, Croatia
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2: To: Milna Brac
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Más sobre Driving directions to Milna Brac

1: From: Split Airport, Kaštel Štafili?, Croatia

Más sobre From: Split Airport, Kaštel Štafili?, Croatia

2: To: Milna Brac

Más sobre To: Milna Brac


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