This is a moderate day hike. Once you’ve parked at the Lake Askoti parking lot, take the A-SB R Trail until you reach the intersection with the yellow trail. You will make a left. As you continue you will see old ruins and mine tailings. When you reach the waypoint of the Pine Swamp Mine make a right and ascend up the hill. Just fol- low the rock pile as it turns into the mountain. As you get closer to the bend you will see the opening into Pine Swamp Mine. Pretty impressive, huh! The Pine Swamp Mine was opened around 1830 and closed in 1880. It’s a pretty impressive mine opening. Bear in mind there is a warning sign that reads: “Danger: Wooden shaft filled with water watch your step.” Take caution if you enter. When you’ve finished exploring the Pine Swamp Mine, head back down onto the yellow trail and continue in the direction you were heading until you reach the “light blue trail” where you will make a left and continue on the “light blue trail” until it takes you back to where you started, The Lake Askoti parking lot. If you don’t see the parking lot at the end of your hike then you’ve mostly likely made a wrong turn. Be safe, happy hiking!

1: Pine Swamp Mine
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2: Mine Site1
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3: Pine Swamp
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4: PineSwamp Mine
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5: Pit
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6: Seven Lakes Dr Parking
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7: Yellow Trail PSM
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

1: Pine Swamp Mine

Más sobre Pine Swamp Mine

2: Mine Site1

Más sobre Mine Site1

3: Pine Swamp

Más sobre Pine Swamp

4: PineSwamp Mine

Más sobre PineSwamp Mine

6: Seven Lakes Dr Parking

Más sobre Seven Lakes Dr Parking

7: Yellow Trail PSM

Más sobre Yellow Trail PSM


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