Peschiera-Mantova-Po-Peschiera 134 km

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Cycling route from Peschiera del Garda to the Po river via Mantova and back. Largely flat. Partly via cycling paths along the Mincio river. Large parts of the route go through Parco del Mincio. The route passes through Mantova, a beautiful town on the Mincio which has expanded to small lakes here. Other interesting towns on the route are Grazie, Valeggio sul Mincio, Rivalta sul Mincio and Volta Mantovana. Especially on the west side of the route, going south, the Mincio has been diverted in concrete irrigation canals. Largely agricultural scenery outside the towns apart from some wetlands in the Parco del Mincio and planted forests along the Po river.

1: Peschiera-Mantova-Po-Peschiera 134 km
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2: Bridge across Po
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3: Grazie
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4: Mantova
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5: Mincio bridge at Valeggio sul Mincio
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6: Rivalta sul Mincio
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7: Volta Mantovana
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

1: Peschiera-Mantova-Po-Peschiera 134 km

Más sobre Peschiera-Mantova-Po-Peschiera 134 km

2: Bridge across Po

Más sobre Bridge across Po

5: Mincio bridge at Valeggio sul Mincio

Más sobre Mincio bridge at Valeggio sul Mincio

6: Rivalta sul Mincio

Más sobre Rivalta sul Mincio

7: Volta Mantovana

Más sobre Volta Mantovana


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