Fort Canning is situated right in the center of the CDB. It is a historic hill. There is a reservoir right at the top. The fort goes around it. The path has a few themes. The one I plotted is generally going on the 14th century path and the Dobbie path. Two building structure is in the park. One is the Fort Canning Hotel. The other is the Dance Theater. There were plenty of historical remains that is in the park. This route is just a walking exercise route thus does not cover all the historical interests. You probably want to follow the external URL for more information.

1: Fort Canning
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2: Entrance
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3: mrt
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4: tome stone
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5: more pictures
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6: sculpture
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7: wall
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8: uturn
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

1: Fort Canning

Más sobre Fort Canning

4: tome stone

Más sobre tome stone

5: more pictures

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