Champagne recommendations, here is the short link

0: Chateau D'Etoges
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1: Champagne Grongnet
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2: Champagne Drappier
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3: Hotel Royal Champagne
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4: Champagne G Tribaut
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5: Champagne JM Godbilliard
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6: Champagne Larmandier-Bernier
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7: Champagne Francois Vallois
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8: Champagne Dravigny Godbillon
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9: Champagne Godbillon Pontillart
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10: Champagne Lacourte Godbillon
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11: Champagne Jean Milan
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12: La Fine Bulle
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13: Champagne De Castellane
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: Chateau D'Etoges

Chateau d'Etoges
4 rue Richebourg
51270 Etoges France
Tél (00.33) 03 26 59 30 08

Wonderful Chateau, with a gastronomic vegetarian menu and champagnes to match. Stay in one of the old chateau rooms if you can.
The swans are currently nesting in the moat!!

Más sobre Chateau D'Etoges

1: Champagne Grongnet

Champagne Grongnet

41 Grande Rue
51270 Étoges, France

03 26 59 30 50

Go for the Carpe Diem and Millisme 1999 here

Más sobre Champagne Grongnet

2: Champagne Drappier

Champagne Drappier
Rue de Vignes
Urville 10200
03 25 27 40 15

Más sobre Champagne Drappier

3: Hotel Royal Champagne

Amazing views, with a bill to match!!

Más sobre Hotel Royal Champagne

4: Champagne G Tribaut

An excellent champagne house in Hautvillers, the birthtown of Champagne

Más sobre Champagne G Tribaut

5: Champagne JM Godbilliard

Más sobre Champagne JM Godbilliard

6: Champagne Larmandier-Bernier

Biodynamic Champagne, also available at Albertines Wine Bar

Más sobre Champagne Larmandier-Bernier

7: Champagne Francois Vallois

10 Avenue de Comtes Des Champagnes
Bergere Les Vertus
Producers of the delicious Rose Sendree Champagne

Más sobre Champagne Francois Vallois

8: Champagne Dravigny Godbillon

Champagne Dravigny-Godbillon 33 Grand Rue 51500 Ecueil Tel 03 26 49 24 69

Cuvee Ambre, Cuvee Scoilum and the Millesime are the champagnes to go for here

Más sobre Champagne Dravigny Godbillon

9: Champagne Godbillon Pontillart

Más sobre Champagne Godbillon Pontillart

10: Champagne Lacourte Godbillon

Más sobre Champagne Lacourte Godbillon

11: Champagne Jean Milan

From the Grand Cru village of Oger

Más sobre Champagne Jean Milan

12: La Fine Bulle

17 Rue Gambetta
Delicious Champagne Bar as recommended by @thewinesleuth

Más sobre La Fine Bulle

13: Champagne De Castellane

57 Rue Verdun
Great Champagne House to visit on Avenue De Champagne Epernay

Más sobre Champagne De Castellane


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