Come hang out between 2pm and sunset! We will be just a little east/south of the walkway that goes between the FDR visitors' center and the Tidal Basin sidewalk, on the Tidal Basin side of the fence.Bring snacks, a blanket, something to read, letters to answer, or your sketchbook!

0: where I'm planning to set up camp
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1: closest Capital Bikeshare station
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2: Parking for cars
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: where I'm planning to set up camp

I won't be too far from here. Holler "craftgasm!" and I'll wave.

Más sobre where I'm planning to set up camp

1: closest Capital Bikeshare station

Más sobre closest Capital Bikeshare station

2: Parking for cars

Parallel parking is available up and down Ohio Drive and West Basin Drive

Más sobre Parking for cars


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