Family visit to the birthplace of one of the family ancestors, a small farm that was operated until 1947. Svartá ford only for 4x4 with experienced driver, with permission from the farmer at Eiríksstaðir.

1: Brún í Svartárdal - eyðibýli
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2: Brúnarhylur hlið
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3: Brun 1
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4: Brun 2
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5: Brun 3
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6: Túnfótur við Svartá
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7: Vað
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

1: Brún í Svartárdal - eyðibýli

Más sobre Brún í Svartárdal - eyðibýli

2: Brúnarhylur hlið

Más sobre Brúnarhylur hlið

6: Túnfótur við Svartá

Más sobre Túnfótur við Svartá


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