This Map includes Videos from each station of the Via Dolorosa (still working on stations 10-14) - it is the last path taken by Jesus from the site of his Trial to the site of his crucifixion at the Chruch of the Holy Sepulcher

0: Via Dolorosa - Path and Summary
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1: Station # 1 - Jesus' Trial
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2: Station #2 - Church of Flagellation
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3: Station 3 & 4 - Jesus Falls for the 1st time and then meets his Mother
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4: Station # 5 - Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus with the Cross
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5: Via Dolorosa - Station # 6 - Veronica
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6: Via Dolorosa - Station # 7 - Jesus falls for the 2nd time
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7: Via Dolorosa - Station # 8 - Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem
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8: Via Dolorosa - Station #9 - Jesus falls for the 3rd time
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

2: Station #2 - Church of Flagellation

Más sobre Station #2 - Church of Flagellation

3: Station 3 & 4 - Jesus Falls for the 1st time and then meets his Mother

Más sobre Station 3 & 4 - Jesus Falls for the 1st time and then meets his Mother


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