Torah Mahkoum prison is one of the places used by Ministry of Interior to uphold detainees "awaiting" sentence. They keep getting re-referred to prosecutor every 15 days who either extends their detention or release them. Such waiting period and extensions could be legally extended to a maximum of six month. For this reason it is usually used to punish and deterr political prisoners who can spend up to six months in this place with criminal prisoners and/or under inhumane conditions without solid charges or court sentence.

0: Torah Mahkoum Prison
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1: Torah Mahkoum Prison Gate
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2: Torah Prison visit room
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: Torah Mahkoum Prison

Torah Mahkoum prison is one of the places used by Ministry of Interior to uphold detainees "awaiting" sentence. They keep getting re-referred to prosecutor every 15 days who either extends their detention or release them. Such waiting period and extensions could be legally extended to a maximum of six month. For this reason it is usually used to punish and deterr political prisoners who can spend up to six months in this place with criminal prisoners and/or under inhumane conditions without solid charges or court sentence.

Más sobre Torah Mahkoum Prison

1: Torah Mahkoum Prison Gate

Gateway to and from Torah Mahkoum prison

Más sobre Torah Mahkoum Prison Gate

2: Torah Prison visit room

In this room, tens of prisoners come out in flocks to see their relatives when and if Torah prison administration admits. Sometimes prisoners are visited from behind bars and sometimes not.

Más sobre Torah Prison visit room


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