Follow in Jesus footsteps on His last courageous journey to Calvary

0: Station 1: Jesus Is Condemned to Death
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1: Station 2: Jesus Takes Up His Cross
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2: Station 3: Jesus Falls for the First Time
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3: Station 4: Jesus Meets His Mother
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4: Station 5: Simon the Cyrene Carries the Cross
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5: Station 6: Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
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6: Station 7: Jesus Falls for the Second Time
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7: Station 8: Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem
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8: Station 9: Jesus Falls a Third Time
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9: Stations 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
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0: Station 1: Jesus Is Condemned to Death


How frightened Jesus must have been when He heard the awful sentence of death. But He was committed to doing the Father's will and so made no complaint.Today, this is the site of the courtyard of thel el-Omariye college.


During Jesus' time, it was the site of the Antonia Fortress,which was a place the Roman soldier used as a headquarters.


Más sobre Station 1: Jesus Is Condemned to Death

1: Station 2: Jesus Takes Up His Cross


Imagine how heavy the cross was and how much it hurt Jesus' shoulders and back which had been beaten!

Today this place is the site of the Franciscan Church of the Flagellation.

Más sobre Station 2: Jesus Takes Up His Cross

2: Station 3: Jesus Falls for the First Time


The place where Jesus fell for the first time is actually inside an Armenian Catholic
church thatwas repaired by members of the Polish army in the 1940's.
You can see the actual pavement that Jesus walked on inside the church.


Más sobre Station 3: Jesus Falls for the First Time

3: Station 4: Jesus Meets His Mother


Jesus met Mary on the street not far from where He first fell. We can only imagine how horrified
she was to see her beloved Son in such pain.


Más sobre Station 4: Jesus Meets His Mother

4: Station 5: Simon the Cyrene Carries the Cross


By this time, Jesus was struggling with the heavy burden of the cross because He
had been beaten and had no sleep or food or water since dinner the night before.
heavy cross.This is now the site of a Franciscan chapel


Jesus must have been so grateful for Simon's brave act of kindness!


Más sobre Station 5: Simon the Cyrene Carries the Cross

5: Station 6: Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus


Located on the side of a Greek Catholic memorial, a pillar next to a door marks the place where Veronica bravely wiped Jesus' face.

What is believed to be Veronica's Veal is now located in the Vatican.


Más sobre Station 6: Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus

6: Station 7: Jesus Falls for the Second Time


Jesus must have been so tired and so hurt. The cross was very heavy and He fell here for the second time on the Old Market Road

Inside the Chapel of the 7th Station, you can see the exact spot Jesus fell. It is marked with the cylinder between the two red candles.


Más sobre Station 7: Jesus Falls for the Second Time

7: Station 8: Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem


The 8th Station of the cross is located on the wall of a Greek Orthodox monastery near the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Look at the dark circle in the wall in front of the Franciscan priests who are making their Stations of the Cross in the acutal footsteps of Jesus!


The dark circle in the wall marks the 8th station and is a carved cross with the Greek letters IC-XC NI-KA, which means "Jesus Christ Conquers."

Más sobre Station 8: Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem

8: Station 9: Jesus Falls a Third Time

At this point, Jesus is almost to His destination and He must have been almost unconscious with pain and exhaustion.


Located on the wall of a Coptic Monastery, the 9th Station is commemorated with a pillar.


Más sobre Station 9: Jesus Falls a Third Time

9: Stations 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Stations 10-14 take place inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, which has a blue domed roof


Station 10. Jesus is Stripped of His Garments


Jesus had finally arrived at the place where he would die. It is scary and embarrassing to have your clothes taken away. The Romans not only wanted to kill Jesus but mock and humiliate him.


Christians built the Church of the Holy Sepulcher around the place where Jesus was stripped, nailed to the cross, died and put in the tomb. The place where Jesus was stripped is just inside the door.

Station 11: Jesus is Nailed to the Cross


How hard it must have been for Jesus to let the Romans nail Him to the cross and how badly it must have hurt!


A few steps away from the 10th Station of the Cross is the an altar which shows where Jesus was nailed to the cross.

Station 12: Jesus Dies on the Cross


Despite all the cruel things that the Romans had done to Jesus, He used His last breath to ask God to forgive them. That is True Love!


The spot where the cross stood is a silver disk with a center hole under the altar.

Station 13: Jesus' Body is Removed from the Cross


Mary must have wished that she died too when she had to hold the dead body of her wonderfu,l loving son in her arms.


When Jesus was taken down off the cross, they laid His Body on the Stone of Unction to put oils and spices on Him and wrap Him in a linen shroud. You can kneel at the stone and many visitors reverently kiss the place Jesus' body was laid.

Station 14: Jesus is Laid into the Tomb


Just 24 hours before, Jesus had been celebrating Passover with his apostles; now He was dead and alone in a cold, dark tomb.


The site of the Holy Sepulcher is in the round areas of the Holy Sepulcher Church.


Jesus' tomb is covered with a marble slab and a vase with lit candles marks the spot where His head lay.

Más sobre Stations 10, 11, 12, 13, 14


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