0: The Marmara (The Conference Venue for Sept 1,2,3)
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1: Taksim Metro Station
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2: Shuttle Service Station to/from Sabanci University Campus (wait in front of "Hakiki Koc")
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3: Cartoon Hotel
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: The Marmara (The Conference Venue for Sept 1,2,3)

Más sobre The Marmara (The Conference Venue for Sept 1,2,3)

1: Taksim Metro Station

Más sobre Taksim Metro Station

2: Shuttle Service Station to/from Sabanci University Campus (wait in front of "Hakiki Koc")

Más sobre Shuttle Service Station to/from Sabanci University Campus (wait in front of "Hakiki Koc")

3: Cartoon Hotel

Más sobre Cartoon Hotel


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