2 days hike to Volcano El Misti in Perú. 5.822 according to Wikipedia 5.815 (my gps). Drove from Arequipa few km from the mountain. Arequipa is in 2.335 m and second largest city in Perú with population of 840.000. I rank it as very difficult because you need altitude adjustment but not very technical. I had the impression before that there where good path all the way to the top, but it is not and often hard rock and loose sand.

1: El Misti 5.822m
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2: Basecamp 3.480 m
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3: Camp site 4.543m
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4: El Misti 5.822m
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5: Mountain Edge - Gígbrúnin 5.653m
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6: Rock ( Ice starts) 5.580m
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7: Tired group
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

1: El Misti 5.822m

Más sobre El Misti 5.822m

2: Basecamp 3.480 m

Más sobre Basecamp 3.480 m

3: Camp site 4.543m

Más sobre Camp site 4.543m

4: El Misti 5.822m

Más sobre El Misti 5.822m

5: Mountain Edge - Gígbrúnin 5.653m

Más sobre Mountain Edge - Gígbrúnin 5.653m

6: Rock ( Ice starts) 5.580m

Más sobre Rock ( Ice starts) 5.580m

7: Tired group

Más sobre Tired group


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