Castillo Tavizna Up & Down 3 things worth noting. First, once reaching the fork in the junction at the river. Make sure you take the rocky route to the right of the river and do not go further (i.e upon approaching do not cross the river). Second, once away from the river you can basically take any route up the side of the hill. you will see many little forks and any of these will take you up but following the path on further will be easier rather than turning off right away on the steep slope. You will zigzag a few times away (as well as some meters of ascent and descent) from the fence you are running alongside, and at one point you meet the fence at the same time as there is a junction in the path. I took this route up. Third and final point! Stay close to the mount as you follow it around or you will find yourself in fields occupied by Bulls and Pigs. When you finally reach the final ascent area filled with fallen rocks, it is easier to stay slightly to the right and not the left, once you get towards the top it becomes more rocky and is much easier to just climb up anyway you wish. Quick final point, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT follow the goats if you see them. They take the hard route up. Keep to the GPS route and you cannot go wrong. Once at the top, take in the sights and congratulate yourself, take some panoramic shots and enjoy being just as good at climbing as a goat is!

1: Castillo Tavizna Up & Down
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2: at the top
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3: nobby at the top
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4: caterpillar
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5: start
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6: the hills
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7: down
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8: scree
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9: up
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10: up two
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11: the hills
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

1: Castillo Tavizna Up & Down

Más sobre Castillo Tavizna Up & Down

2: at the top

Más sobre at the top

3: nobby at the top

Más sobre nobby at the top

4: caterpillar

Más sobre caterpillar

11: the hills

Más sobre the hills


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