CFMEP work trip to Merthyr 14.12.12 & 18.01.13

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We are out the county this Friday meeting behind The Willows Centre at their Car Park on Enoch Morrell Close CF48 4DX.Friday 14.12.12Meet 10am.We'll be coppicing, building some steps and performing some drainage works. Bring wellies and suitable clothing. Toilet facilities are available at the centre.

0: Area for coppicing
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1: Area for steps
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2: Car Park
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3: Early Pick up Point
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: Area for coppicing

Más sobre Area for coppicing

1: Area for steps

Más sobre Area for steps

3: Early Pick up Point

Meet here are 9am for a lift up to Merthyr.

Más sobre Early Pick up Point


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