WaterAid | Tanzania - WaterAid (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio


WaterAid | Marco Betti

WaterAid | Tanzania

In Tanzania 62% of the population have safe water and only 47% have sanitation.

In Tanzania, WaterAid works in five rural districts and in Dar es Salaam. Technology approaches include rehabilitating boreholes, constructing shallow wells, pit latrines and disposal pits. WaterAid also educates communities about sanitation and good hygiene, encouraging practices such as handwashing. Children learn these messages in school health clubs and then share them with friends and family.

WaterAid aims to continue to map both functioning and non-functioning waterpoints in rural and urban areas to identify where its work can be most effective. We also campaign for better regulations and more equitable distribution of waterpoints, using our mapping work to influence donor and government funding in order to ensure the least served areas are reached.

Find out more about WaterAid in Tanzania.

(c) WaterAid 2008

Mapa del lugar de interés WaterAid | Tanzania

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de WaterAid | Tanzania, con el API de Google Street View

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