Reagan Boyhood Home (Dixon- 1920) - Virtual Tour Of Illinois History (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Reagan's family lived in several small Illinois towns and, briefly, Chicago during Reagan's earliest years. In 1920, when Reagan was nine years old, the Reagan family settled in the small town of Dixon, Illinois. The midwestern "small universe" made a lasting impression on Reagan "where I learned standards and values that would guide me the rest of my life", Reagan recounted in his autobiography. "I learned that hard work is an essential part of life - that by and large, you don't get something for nothing - and that America was a place that offered unlimited opportunity to those who did work hard. I learned to admire risk takers and entrepreneurs, be they farmers or small merchants, who went to work and took risks to build something for themselves and their children, pushing at the boundaries of their lives to make them better. I have always wondered at this American marvel." Reference groupshot.gif

Mapa del lugar de interés Reagan Boyhood Home (Dixon- 1920)

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Reagan Boyhood Home (Dixon- 1920), con el API de Google Street View

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