John Deere Historical Site (Grand Detour-1836) - Virtual Tour Of Illinois History (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

In 1836, John Deere, a blacksmith recently transplanted from Vermont, set up shop in the small Rock River town of Grand Detour, Illinois. Deere, who was enterprising and innovative, met many disheartened farmers who were discouraged by their efforts to cultivate the sticky Midwestern soil. Deere was convinced that the soil would shed itself from a plow that was highly polished and properly shaped. In 1837, using a discarded saw blade, he forged such a plow. His "self-polishing" plow grew in popularity, and as it did, so did the company that bears his name. Reference historic_main.jpg

Mapa del lugar de interés John Deere Historical Site (Grand Detour-1836)

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de John Deere Historical Site (Grand Detour-1836), con el API de Google Street View

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