10: The Women's Centre - 804 Richards St - Vancouver Gay Walking Tour (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Next door to the parking lot that once held the Shaggy Horse, stands a brand new glass building. But the site used to house a funky old wooden building, remembers Pat Hogan. It was the Women's Centre's first home in Vancouver, which opened in 1974 and burned down six years later. In subsequent years, the centre would move around a lot, but from 1974 to 1980 it lived on Richards St, where it maintained a bookstore, hosted a lesbian drop-in night (Wednesdays at 8 pm in 1979), and housed the Lesbian Information Line (LIL). It was an important place to come for information and to socialize, says Hogan.

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fotografía panorámica de 10: The Women's Centre - 804 Richards St, con el API de Google Street View

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