02: Vancouver Art Gallery - Robson St - Vancouver Gay Walking Tour (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

From the Hotel Vancouver, walk south on Hornby St (away from the mountains of North Vancouver) to the corner of Robson St. Turn left onto Robson and stop at the steps of what is now the Vancouver Art Gallery.

It was here, 35 years ago, that Vancouver gays and lesbians held their first demonstration on Aug 28, 1971. On that grey summer day, 20 brave homosexuals stepped forward to publicly declare their sexuality and demand an end to state discrimination.

Number one on their list of demands for the federal government: remove the terms "gross indecency" and "indecent act" from the Criminal Code, terms traditionally used to target gay men.

Other demands included establishing a uniform age of consent for homo and hetero sex acts (something we're still fighting for today); removing all references to homosexuality from the Immigration Act; extending equal legal rights to all homosexuals, and guaranteeing equal employment opportunities at all levels of government.

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Mapa del lugar de interés 02: Vancouver Art Gallery - Robson St

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Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de 02: Vancouver Art Gallery - Robson St, con el API de Google Street View

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