Warwick Gardens - V2 rockets on London and surrounding counties (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

January 6, 1945, 0 Dead.

From reader Avril Knight-Sweeney: "" I was sitting in the kitchen one evening and Avril was asleep in her cot in the bedroom. Suddenly there was a terrific explosion. I rushed to the bedroom,jumping across the small landing,thinking that the house was falling apart it was rocking so much. After the explosion came the most awful sound I have ever heard. I rushed into the bedroom to find the cot completely covered in shards of glass. The entire window had been blown in despite having tape to help prevent breakage on it. I carefully took the glass off expecting to find Avril severely hurt or even dead. She was completely unharmed and was still fast asleep. I never left Avril's side after she went to bed again." Mother told me that after the war she was a nervous wreck. Thinking about the incident more recently I have wondered whether I wes asleep or whether I was knocked unconscious by the blast. As a child I was very familiar with Azenby Road, now Warwick Gardens park. There were several other bomb sites there in addition to the V2 one. The railwey line from London to the Kent coast runs alongside the park and the Nazis were trying to hit it."

Mapa del lugar de interés Warwick Gardens

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fotografía panorámica de Warwick Gardens, con el API de Google Street View

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