Sandy Lane, Teddington - V2 rockets on London and surrounding counties (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Based on reader comment from Richard Brown: "I find this map very interesting, thanks. According to the following website,, a v2 rocket landed on a gas works in Sandy Lane Teddington in 1945. If you look on Google maps the site is in between Cedars Road and Bushy Park Road, next to the railway line."

And from reader Paul Harding: "I can confirm that a V2 did land on part of the gas works on Sandy Lane. I was about two and a half at the time and was apparently blown out of my cot right across the front bedroom of 16 Bushy Park Road where my grandparents lived. As this was several hundred yards from the impact it must have caused a lot of local damage. It's worth noting that Eisenhower's Allied HQ was in the southern end of Bushy Park, just over the wall from the gas works, so it only just missed a very important target. I can remember the gas works was up and running again in 1947/8 as I used to go with my grandfather to collect bags of coke for the kitchen stove at No 16. "

Mapa del lugar de interés Sandy Lane, Teddington

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Sandy Lane, Teddington, con el API de Google Street View

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