Glenhurst Road - V2 rockets on London and surrounding counties (sitios de interés)

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March 1945, 3 Dead.

Based on reader comment from Valerie: "A V2 bomb fell in Glenhurst Avenue,Bexley sometime in 1944 in the early hours of the morning.I was a child between 6 and 7 at the time. Five of us survived in our house which blew to smithereens.It was the first night that we didn't go down to the Anderson Shelter which was located at the bottom of the garden.Three people were killed in our Avenue.One house was on fire from which a pregnant lady jumped from an upstairs Sister Marion and I were rescued by some American Soldiers that were billeted near by.I can remember seeing a massive crater in the middle of the road.The houses were rebuilt and we eventually returned."

Location and date unknown.

Another comment from Valerie: "I feel it is important that I amend a detail that I previously reported about a V2 bomb falling in Glenhurst Avenue, Bexley. my Sister Marion after finding some old letters written by our Mother to our Father who at the time was fighting in Burma,told me that the V2 bomb actually fell at the beginning of March 1945, just 2 months before the end of the war. How unlucky was that ? Two other details come to mind about that terrible night. We all remembered our Grandfather emerging through the rubble in his woolly combs.and shouting above the chaos that he couldn't find his trousers. Also it was reported that our immediate neighbours Mr.and Mrs.Biss were blown straight through their roof and found themselves,still in bed at the bottom of the garden. (unharmed I might add)"

Mapa del lugar de interés Glenhurst Road

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Glenhurst Road, con el API de Google Street View

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