Forest Road - V2 rockets on London and surrounding counties (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

January 4, 1945

Comment from John Walker: "My mother would tell anybody who would listen that the V2 landed on Dalston Library at 4:04 pm on Jan 4, 1945. Because the library was a substantial concrete buildin the blast spread horizontally and demolished houses in every direction. She also said about 200 people were killed, of which 82 were schoolchildren assembled either in or near the library. She frequently mentioned a Sunday School trip for the children, but I'm not sure now how this figures in with the rest of the story. 
I vividly remember being dug out of the ruins of our house and seeing Woodland Street full of strange vehicles with red crosses on them being driven over piles of roofing slates.. I only recently discovered that these were American ambulances."

Mapa del lugar de interés Forest Road

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