Wasted Vote vs. Making a Difference - The Undecided Voter Project (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

I'm not so much undecided as conflicted. I would prefer to vote for the Green Party candidates, Nader/Gonzales, or the Socialist Party candidates rather than McCaine OR Obama. However, I also recognize that the 3rd party movement in this country is so weak that none of them have a chance. So I'm stuck voting with the major party candidates. I prefer Obama to McCaine. What this election has demonstrated to me is the real need for Instant Run-off Voting as a necessary electoral reform -- so I could vote for who I want to vote for rather than "throwing my vote away" on a candidate that doesn't have a chance. I would even like to vote for myself. I announced my candidacy in May but popular support for my campaign failed to materialize. Learn more: www.votesilver.org

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