Unrepresented not Undecided! - The Undecided Voter Project (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

If undecided means that I am not supporting the Democratic or Republican parties then I would like to suggest that I am unrepresented not undecided. I considered myself a conservative, will someone please direct me to a conservative party.

Republicans are supposed to be conservative. They’re not. Democrats are supposed to be liberal. They’re not. My issue is the inability of the parties to stick to their socioeconomic philosophies. As far as I am concerned they are one party. And this party is competing against itself. No wonder this nation is so divided. Making a decision can be difficult when presented with one choice that is duplicated.

I live in a State whose population thinks Republicans represent their values better. I will say this much, neither party has a monopoly on values.

To point fingers at our current president for the war and the fiscal crisis is ludicrous. Every decision he has made has been with the support of our congress Democrat and Republican. My understanding is that Democrats even initiated the deregulation of mortgage loans. Didn’t Clinton say, after all, “everyone deserves to own their own home?” If we feel the need to blame then we should blame all of our elected officials Democrats and Republicans.
Bottom line, both parties try to please everyone and please no one.

I have decided to join the revolution. Voting is not about choosing the winning candidate but choosing the candidate that best reflects your opinions.

After listening to an interview with Ralph Nader on PRI-Radio West and watching “An Unreasonable Man,” I am quite impressed. Out of the current choices for the presidency I dare say he has made the most impact to this nation. For those who think he destroyed the Democratic hope of an elected candidate eight years ago, don’t worry, he’s “stealing” at least one “conservative” vote this time around.

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