The Undecided - The Undecided Voter Project (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

I'm a phone bank and canvass coordinator (volunteer) for Obama here in St. Paul, and I talk to dozens of undecided voters every week. What strikes me is their thoughtful approach; almost to a person they are anxious to look at the issues, the facts, and make the decision that's right for America. They want hope, healing, and bipartisan solutions. Despite the fact that I'm much more left-wing than they are (and than Obama is for that matter), I respect that they are taking this decision seriously, and that they realize the decision for America rests in their hands. I'm confident that when they have examined all the evidence, they'll make a choice that leads us into a bright new future of renewable energy, sensible right-size government, and an abandonment of the negative, divisive political approach we've had to endure the last 30 years.

Mapa del lugar de interés The Undecided

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fotografía panorámica de The Undecided, con el API de Google Street View

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