The Nuclear Issue - The Undecided Voter Project (sitios de interés)

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I am still undecided on the question of my vote for president.

I am bewildered that the American electorate is almost evenly split between Democrats and Republicans when any responsible evaluation of current and historical circumstances would make the choice obvious and heavily weighted toward the Democrats.

Barack Obama's vocal support for nuclear power has made it impossible for me to work for or donate to his campaign. In case there is any question why this is, the risks associated with nuclear technology and materials provide the only rational justification for the permanent imposition of martial law. I have never and will never vote for a Republican candidate for President. I carry my ACLU membership card proudly.

My indecision hinges on whether or not Obama can win the election without my vote. If it looks close, I will have to vote for him, but I would prefer to vote for someone whose policies I wholeheartedly support. The only time I have ever been able to do that was in 2000, when I was able to cast a vote for Ralph Nader, and for doing this, I have been blamed by Democrats for the Bush Presidency, 9-11, and Al Gore's failure to successfully fight for the election that he legally won.

By the way, Ralph Nader's parentage is actually a higher percentage Arab than Obama's.

I hope this explains why I am still waiting to make my final decision.

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