Placemark 87 - The Undecided Voter Project (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

This is the first election that I can recall being still undecided this close to election day. I am registered Independent because I prefer to vote for the person rather than the party.

As a boomer who grew up on the "left coast" my social views lean toward Obama's (Separation of church and state with regard to moral rights of individuals to follow their own religious beliefs rather than those of the current office holder.).

As someone who has put in the time, money and hard work to get ahead in the world, I agree with McCain that Obama's Robin Hood liberal fiscal ideas will only lead to spiraling unemployment as those able to create jobs and grow the economy will be discouraged to even bother if more than half of what they earn will be confiscated. I'm not defending the greedy Wall Streeters and bankers but given the opportunity for a free ride there are few that wouldn't take it. Witness the State of Hawaii having to cancel their free health coverage for uninsured children as too many parents canceled their children's health insurance in order to get it for free.

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