Obama is strong, but is he strong enough? - The Undecided Voter Project (sitios de interés)

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As our economy slides into the trash, the next president is going to have to make some really tough decisions that are going to annoy a lot of people (if they're presented in the wrong way).

We currently spend more money on health care than most countries with socialized medicine so we really should just have socialized medicine and be done with it. It seems to be universally agreed that we need it, but no one is willing to stand up and annoy a lot of people to make a system that doesn't have too many compromises in it.

Also, we're suffering due to our silly measurement system. Unlike other countries, we have two ways of measuring things. Some things are metric (e.g. soda bottles) others are our customary system (e.g. gas). Fixing this insanity would significantly help our economy. It would also help all sorts of other issues as we wouldn't be wasting huge amounts of time on things like teaching a difficult to understand and unrelated set of measurements to our children (quick, which weighs more an ounce of gold or an ounce of lead? No, they're not the same) or having businesses have to develop separate product lines; one for the US, one for the rest of the world.

Given the debacle of the last attempt to fix our measurement system, will Obama be strong enough to actually finish the job this time?

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