Local Democrat, National Republican - The Undecided Voter Project (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

I'm a registered Democrat who votes Democratic in local elections but has voted Republican the last few national elections. I've had a great deal of difficulty trusting the nominees the past few elections and have typically found myself voting for whom I've considered the lesser of two evils. While I find myself trusting Obama slightly more so far this election, I know that both sides have misrepresented themselves as well as each other at almost every turn. I try to educate myself on each person's spin and counterspin, but it is difficult to keep track of what is true and what is false. I also find that the proposed solutions to major issues , which are supposed to be the entire basis of our vote, are cloudy and murky on both sides. Each candidate seems to instead focus on felt needs and on demonizing the other. I wish there were more than two options available.

I am a hospice chaplain living outside Pittsburgh, 36, white middle-class with two kids. Major concerns are the economy, spending, fair taxation, health care.


Mapa del lugar de interés Local Democrat, National Republican

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