Indecisive Undecider - The Undecided Voter Project (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

You see, I am an average undecided American voter. While I find both parties to be corrupt in some ways, that is basically just my excuse for not paying more attention to politics. I have time for College Football, NFL, and the World Series, but I am too busy when it comes to reading the newspaper. Who has time to study the issues when it's so much easier to repeat sound bites. Can you say "Drill, baby, drill?"

When I feel really guilty about not living up to my civic responsibilities, I watch Hannity and Colmes on Fox, which, by definition, is fair and balanced. From this extensive involvement in current events, I find that Obama is basically a secret muslim who belongs to an America-hating church and probably will hand over the American government to the Saudis should he win the election. Maybe I should start brushing up on my Saudi. Or whatever the heck they speak over there. I can never for the life of me figure out why they don't learn English over there. Heck, I had to when I was in school.

Another major issue for me is the sanctity of life. You see, I am strongly pro-life and believe that life begins at conception and therefore I cannot get myself to vote for Obama. Also, I am strongly pro-freedom, and want all those terrorists in Iraq dead. Dead, dead, dead. I don't care whether or not they had anything to do with 9/11; I just want all of them dead. And, going back to sanctity of life for a minute, how can these so-called pro-choice people support taking a human life?

Now, I don't want you to get the impression that I am simply anti-Obama. I am against McCain too. In fact, my union bosses tell me that that John McCain is going to destroy the labor movement and that really bothers me. If he is elected, they say the old man is going to destroy the country, but at least he is white.

Anyway, that's my dilemma. Even after extensive research, I still can't decide if I should vote for Obama or McCain.

God bless all the pro-America parts of America.

Rev. Ritchie Blackmore
Cincinnati, Ohio

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