I still don't know what to do. - The Undecided Voter Project (sitios de interés)

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I still don't know what to do. I identify myself as an independent, but here in Ohio we have to pick a party each time if we want a voice in the primaries.

I think we have 2 candidates that are both superior to anything I've seen since before 2000, but I still have reservations about each. Also, I haven't ruled out writing in a 3rd party candidate as a protest against our party-driven government.

I very much supported John McCain in 2000. I appreciate his stance against corruption and for smaller government, but I wonder how beholden he is now to his party to have gotten as far as he has. I can't know for sure, but I question whether he is still the "maverick" he was 8 years ago. I also hope he remains very healthy, not only to be nice but also because it seems to me that Sarah Palin would be a trainwreck as president. She has none of the gravitas that the spokesperson for our nation needs when representing us to the world, and the VP debate showcased her ability to dodge questions.

Barack Obama, on the other hand, is an excellent speaker, which we sorely need. I like his stated tax policy and his willingness to interact with foreign powers, even if they are our enemies. Also on the plus side is that any Supreme Court justices he might nominate would serve to keep the court balanced, whereas McCain (or certainly Palin) would weigh the court toward decisions that would support more interference with the freedoms of everyday Americans. On the other hand, the way he has handled such personal issues such as his relationships with Rev. Wright and Bill Ayres or his decision to go back on his commitment to accept public financing.

As far as Iraq goes, I don't see too many critical differences in their withdrawal plans. They are just coated with different rhetoric to cater to their respective parties.

I'll be catching the debate to see if one of them screws up...



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