I don't like my vote to be taken for granted - The Undecided Voter Project (sitios de interés)

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I am a registered republican that only votes ala carte, and I do not pull levers of candidates that I know nothing about.

I admire both candidates, but I have reservations about both. Obama's rhetoric is indeed inspiring, and Biden's labor talk works (no pun intended) for me. Obama's run for the Oval office during his first term stinks of stepping-stone politics. That's a hard gripe for me to dismiss.

I have been an admirer of McCain for years. We share an alma mater (he was the keynote speaker at my graduation). His ability to see things differently than the party has always stood out positively to me. BUT his presidential platform is weak. He doesn't address the needs of everyday living with any degree of confidence or a great deal of competence.

I taking every day I can to consider my vote, but If today were the day to vote I'd pull Obama's lever. I reassess my choice every day, just as I will even after the election.

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