Don't Trust Either - The Undecided Voter Project (sitios de interés)

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I have been voting since 1968, and I have not voted for a major-party candidate for many years. I don't trust them -- they tend to defend the interests of multi-national corporations more than they defend the interests of the majority of the American people. RecentIy have voted for Green Party candidates such as Ralph Nader.

I have in the past thought more highly of McCain -- as a principled person -- than I do now. But I have always felt that he is far more conservative than I am, far more privileged and wealthy, and far more aligned with corporate interest than his pro-working people rhetoric suggests. I would not consider voting for him.

But I do not support either candidate in this election either, because I don't trust them. I like much of Obama's rhetoric -- but I believe he will be aligned with the corporations when push comes to shove. I am thinking of voting for Nader, since he is on the ballot in Pennsylvania and more closely reflects my own views and values than either McCain or Obama.

However, I hate the bigotry and racism that is just below the surface in all-too-much of the support for McCain and Palin. I want to vote against that --and this may cause me to pull the Obama lever in order to push against those poisonous sentiments.

But I remain undecided. I'm still thinking about it.

-Paul Le Blanc

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