Don't I work enough? - The Undecided Voter Project (sitios de interés)

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I heard that you wanted to hear from undecided voters while I was listening to the radio this afternoon, so here it is.

My name is Jacob, I am 20 years old, I am a full time Oakland University student(4 classes), and I work 50-55 hours a week.

One of my biggest issues is fuel. Both candidates talk about putting a large sum of money into alternative fuels, which is a very good idea. But what if none of the alternate fuel sources turn out to be any better, or less expensive then gas/diesel fuel? John McCain talks about domestic drilling, and Barack Obama talks about short term relief as a way to lower the effects of higher prices, but which idea is better if alternate fuels do not work out?

My second biggest issue is education. Obama's plan for the tax credit states that in order to obtain it, a person must perform 100 hours of community service. What about for people like me though? I work 7 days a week and take 16 credit hours, I have barely anytime to divide up between by family and friends. So, I would not even be eligible for this tax benefit. On the other hand all McCain talks about is simplifying tax benefits and federal aid, and also fixing student loans. So I am at a loss here as well.

Those are my two major issues with the candidates, and I have no idea what could help me make up my mind, except that I know it will not be the people around me who are voting for someone because it's trendy for our age group.

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