Decidedly Indepedent - The Undecided Voter Project (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

I have decided to vote for an independent candidate, but I fear none will appear on the Texas ballot. The more I hear the two candidates speak the less I can discern between their platforms. From economic policies to health care to foreign policies the candidates' respective pledges will make little difference in our lives. My wife and I are employed, insured, and have manageable loans. Most likely people like us will carry the burden of the recent government bailouts backed by both candidates.

As for character, neither of the major party candidates measures up to the model of a strong, decisive, visionary leader we so urgently need. We do not need a leader who decides by consensus like Obama, or a man who will not do what he knows in his heart is right such as McCain.

I believe this year I will throw away my vote to put a check mark next to an independent, should one appear on the ballot. Then I will start to work on supporting an independent in 2012.

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