Decided and Motivated - The Undecided Voter Project (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

I was in the tank, so to speak, for Obama months ago. While I respect being undecided, I am puzzled by those who well-informed ability/desire to stay so given the disparity between what Obama and McCain stand for - even if you are underwhelmed by the choices. On the other hand, I have spoken to many undecideds and know for certain that many are fundamentally uninformed, or worse, misinformed. This goes to the point of the dirty campaigning... I have no problem with attacks on position and will tolerate a certain amount mischaracterizing the opponent's position. What is not acceptable in my book is deliberately trying to misinform the public about who a person is.

My other beef with much of the discussion of being undecided is the "pocketbook vs. morality" choice. The 1960s culture war paint a false state of affairs, with the issues being black and white. Our political discussion does not serve us well by ignoring nuance. If you want to talk life, you eventually have to talk economy, because people "choose" life in all sorts of ways when they can afford to, and "choose" death in all sorts of ways when they feel they have to.

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